Working in Administration can sometimes become repetitive and boring, causing productivity to decrease and you can start to fall behind.

It happens to the best of us, but how can you help prevent it from happening or lessen the negative effects if it does happen?

Lighthouse Personnel has gathered their top tips to increase productivity in Admin roles, so keep reading to find out what they are!

1.   Analyse yourself

Take a step back and think about what time of day you work best. When do you feel most energised? Then make a plan so the important tasks are done first, and then plan to start working through the things that have been left on the backburner.

2.   Give yourself a break

Studies show that your mind tends to start wandering after 20 minutes of concentration. It could be even less when staring at a laptop, having office distractions or having your phone on hand. Therefore, try and take regular breaks, even if it’s only taking a short walk or making a cup of tea.

3.   Find a method

There are various time management methods that can help you be more productive. Finding one that suits you is essential. Blocking chunks of time out for certain tasks is a great way to get started!

4.   Lists, lists and more lists

Starting the day with a list, with your tasks marked in priority order is a great way to get going. For many of us, the satisfaction of ticking things off a list once they’ve been done is a huge motivator so creating a list is a good start.

5.   Manage distractions

Many people like to eliminate distractions completely but we think that managing them is a better way. Having no ‘distractions’ such as your phone or colleagues around you could get lonely. Therefore, we suggest to manage distractions in a way that suits you – for example, have a chat with a colleague on one of your regular breaks rather than in the middle of a task.

6.   Consider why

The final point in this blog is probably the most important one. Consider why you’re finding yourself unproductive at work. Could it be a bad work environment? Or that you aren’t enjoying your current role? Thinking about the cause of the unproductiveness is essential.


If you’re struggling with being unproductive or feeling unmotivated in your current role, it can also be a good idea to speak to your manager about how you’re feeling. Additional support can be provided to help you get back on track.